Pics from the Office - The Book

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Jul 4, 2012


Posted by Picasa Another rare atmospheric phenomenon, the dissipation trail, or "distrail" is essentially the inverse of the aircraft contrail (condensation trail). As an airplane flies through a layer of clouds, if temperature and moisture conditions are just right, its exhaust gases will evaporate the cloud's water droplets cutting a blue sky trail. I had never seen one of these before. This shot was taken over the Porto coastline and luckily my camera was within reach. 


  1. Muito bom!! Nunca tinha visto um destes, também!

  2. Olá Tiago! Eu só tinha lido sobre a existencia disto e fiquei incredulo quando o ví. Estava muito vento e só tive 10 a 15 segundos para o apanhar antes que desaparecesse. Agora já não foge ;) Grande Abraço!

  3. E logo em Portugal. Nada mau! Nem tudo pode ser mau.
