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Jan 4, 2012

Electric Jet

Posted by Picasa Beautifully lit A320 CS-TNU on the ground in Sal (Cape Verde) during the external inspection. The title "Electric Jet" was taken from Capt. Dave's great blog: 


  1. Dear Mathieu.

    Great great photo... (already in my MacBook Desktop BackGround)
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful job with all of us.
    I´m a Airbus 320`s series pilot, but in the incipius world of simulation.
    The simulation is the way i can get to be close to aviation,(don´t have the smell of JET-A1 :( and by the way my flights are always booked in TAP real world flights from LPPT departure and arrivals, and yes I do spend 4 hours enroute to Sal or 1:30H enroute to Funchal, et etc etc... my friends call me nuts but this is really my thing!!!
    I just love this world of airline aviation and I have been learning a lot with this Blog that you mention of Cap. Dave and of course yours!
    Thank´s again for your blog and keep up the good work!
    Bons Voos :)
    Filipe Silva

  2. Obrigado Filipe. Bons voos também ;)
