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Sep 22, 2007

The Fire of St. Elmo

Posted by Picasa "The storm watch had been set, and all hands awaited the onset of the tempest that raged to windward. Rushing ahead of gale winds, heavy seas rocked the brig. Then suddenly, at the mastheads and bowsprit, ghostly blue flames leapt into the somber night, lighting the masts like candles. The atmosphere of dread anticipation split at the sight. The sailors to a man breathed a sigh of relief, for their patron saint Elmo had come to watch over the brig and see her safely through the storm." A340-300 CS-TOA. Flying at FL370 from Lisbon (LPPT) to Luanda (FNLU) in light turbulence...


  1. "[A] ghostly flame which danced among our sails and later stayed like candlelights to burn brightly from the mast....When he appears, there can be no danger"
    (C. Columbus, 2nd Voyage).

  2. I beg your pardon. The saint is São Telmo - Saint Telmo - Santelmo
