Pics from the Office - The Book

Also available: Pics from the Office - The Book
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Jun 23, 2015

Organized Chaos

Three crossing traffics, each separated by 2000ft, shoot by as we navigate in the opposite direction. This is RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima) airspace which means that we will have a minimum vertical separation of 1000ft (about 300m) with the aircraft passing above and below us. This allows for more airplanes in the same airspace but before operating here, several strict requirements need to be met. A319 CS-TTU from Porto to Zurich.


  1. Hey!
    I found your blog by googling for CS-TTC, which brought me back to Hamburg after some nice days in lisboa. I am really glad I found your blog as I am really interested in aviation and happy about every pilot blog. I subscribed and I look forward to some great new posts. And I just ordered your book and I hope it will find the way to my home in Germany. I wasn't really able to tell them a NIF...

    Keep them high, keep them fast. Best regards


    1. Hey Sasha! Thanks for your nice comment. I'm glad that you enjoy the blog and ordered the book. The lack of NIF shouldn't be an issue. Please let me know if the book doesn't reach you within a reasonable amount of time. Take care and thanks! Mathieu

    2. Hey Mathieu! I received the book on Tuesday, so it took less than a week and as you said, the lack of NIF was obviously not an issue, which made me very happy! The book is just great, so many awesome pictures! I really enjoy to look at the pictures and to read the little texts linked to them. Must be great for you to enjoy all those moments in 'real life'.

      Have a nice weekend! Best regards

