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Jul 18, 2012

Skywave Propagation

In the bottom right hand corner of the ND (Navigation Display), Charlie Papa (CP) has been manually tuned; the FMGC (Flight Management and Guidance Computer) has properly identified the morse code it transmits and the green ADF arrow is (sort of) pointing in the right direction. This would be uninteresting unless you consider that CP (Caparica) is an NDB (Non-Directional Beacon) located just south of Lisbon airport and we are in the middle of Africa over 1100NM (about 2040 km's) away overflying Mauritania and about 200NM SE of Zouerat VOR (ZRT). We would never pick up this beacon, let alone ident it, if it weren't for night time skywave propagation, ie: the reflection of radio waves back to the Earth by the ionosphere. A320 CS-TNP flying direct ECHED waypoint in the middle of the night, 1h10 out of Bamako towards Lisbon (sort of..).


  1. Where is the rest of the text?

    1. Good question.. I just re-wrote it and it's back to normal. Sorry about that. Computers..

  2. De facto não deve ser todos os dias que se apanha o sinal de um NDB que está a 2000km :)
    Comandante, uma pergunta, partindo do princípio que está o modo NAV activo e não estamos em HDG SEL, a linha branca que o ND mostra com os vários pontos é resultado de um DCT TO com ABM POINTS ou é o SEC F-PLN?

  3. Obrigado Cmdt, como gosto disto tento observar os pormenores e aprender alguma coisa com isso.
    Um abraço
