Pics from the Office - The Book

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Mar 31, 2012


Posted by Picasa Venus, the Moon and the (already set) Sun are aligned as we progress to Hamburg in A319 CS-TTF. Appearance can be deceiving since our day is not yet over; a hydraulic fluid leak has been detected and we are focused on managing the possible loss of one of our three hydraulic systems. Despite not being a common failure, it is far from being a major concern.


  1. And pics from the EICAM showing that issue?

  2. Hello ZAPIAO,

    There was no ECAM caution since the hydraulic fluid level didn't get low enough to trigger what would have been: HYD G SYS LO LVL

    1. Not even a LAND ASAP could ruin a landscape like this ... ;-D

      Joaquim Coelho

  3. E felizmente correu bem a viagem.
    Por essas e por outras o meu receio (pavor ;) ) de viajar de avião.
    Mas o que se consegue ver lá em cima é fabuloso, e para mim que(após algumas viagens) optei, até ver, por não andar de avião este é um blog do qual aguardo sempre com expectativa as novidades.

    Continue e obrigado.
