"pics from the office" is a selection of photos taken from the Airbus A320, A330 and A340 operational environment. This blog is focused on Aviation rather than on the technical aspects of photography. Feel free to comment. Thanks for your visit!
Pics from the Office - The Book
Also available: Pics from the Office - The Book
For information and orders: mathieuneuforge@hotmail.com
Jan 21, 2007
Equator Atmosphere
This picture was taken from A330 CS-TOG from Porto (LPPR) to São Paulo (SBGR) very close to the geographical equator. It is pretty much what this part of the South Atlantic looks like most of the time.
[comments in English, you never know who's reading...]
Wow!!! These cloud formations are remarkably similar to the famous Hubble picture of M16-Eagle Nebula: http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/nebula_collection/pr1995044a/large_web Ain't the universe a funny place?
[comments in English, you never know who's reading...]
These cloud formations are remarkably similar to the famous Hubble picture of M16-Eagle Nebula:
Ain't the universe a funny place?
Ups, link too long. Here's the wrapped version: